Børn Tutoring in your home —
As parents we know the importance of providing for our children’s development and educational needs, when they need it, making sure that they are always progressing and learning, so that they can continue to enjoy all aspects of growing up.
At Børn Tutoring we have made it possible for your child to receive the same tailored tutoring at home, the tutor simply brings the learning environment to you. That is, the exact parts of the Montessori learning environment that your child needs.
Each tutoring session is planned and prepared beforehand, completely suited to your child’s needs and interests. The teaching equipment is handpicked out of the learning environment, so everything is with us at hand when we sit down, at your home.
For a new student, the procedure is as follows:
Please make contact for an Information Booklet and Application Form to be forwarded to you
Upon receipt of the Application Form, we will contact you to arrange a convenient time for an Introductory Session.
The Introductory Session takes place at your home.
During this session, your child’s individual tutoring is discussed. What you would like the focus to be, and what your child’s needs and interest are. You may like to provide school reports or other specialists’ reports.
The Tutoring commences
Most children attend once per week. Evening sessions and Saturday sessions are also available.
“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.”
Imagine for a moment, being born into our world, would you prefer order or disorder, reality or fantasy, would you like to be always helped or would you prefer to be shown how to be independent so that you may practice your own skills, come to know your own strengths, learn to make decisions by yourself and for yourself - and slowly learn to accept the consequences.
We would probably all like to be encouraged in a meaningful direction to walk our own way and develop an authentic self-esteem, which we have earned through our own work and efforts.
Even very young children know that they have to work for their living, that no-one should do their work for them, or can grow up on their behalf. That is why they wake up day after day and practice the same skills again and again until they reach a level of mastery.