When children come for tuition at Børn, the arrangement is simple and orderly, the atmosphere is quiet and calm. The environment, tone, character, attitude, approach and atmosphere are vital. The child is respected as an adult would be, using correct speech, movement and courtesy. What we as parents and teachers wish for these children to learn needs to be demonstrated in our dealings with them.

A short walk from St Vincent Gardens, our peaceful, tutoring studio in Albert Park provides an opportunity for children to learn individually, or in small social groups of two, three or four children.

Children can participate in…

  • Small group learning, whilst working individually on a cultural project

  • Explore sensorial equipment

  • Enjoy a safe, outstanding learning environment

  • Choose from the intelligent environment of teaching materials and Montessori equipment

  • Build fine motor skills

  • Practice and develop strength and formation of handwriting

  • Repeat concepts and consolidate learning, using Montessori teaching equipment

  • Become familiar with above age-appropriate levels in mathematics and language.