The first three years of life are considered the most important in the life of a human being; language, motor skills and the growth of the mind is immense.
Over 100 years ago, Dr Maria Montessori made revolutionary discoveries through scientific observations of children, anticipating so much of what we know today about neuroscience, brain development, and optimum models of education. One such observation was that the growth of the mind from 0-3 years was similar to the growth of the physical body before birth. Children 0-3 look to their environment for all information about their new world, language and culture. Without discriminating they absorb and believe what they see as the truth. Their potential is open, and their intelligence and personality will be formed from the opportunities given to them.
Children at this age are looking to explore the world, especially through their senses. They love to touch everything with their hands and mouth because these are sensitive areas that help them find out about the specific properties of an object. What they learn through their senses has a very high recall, and newly gained information is conveyed directly to the brain, where it is stored for future reference and comparison. Intelligent, purpose made sensorial equipment help refine and focus. Without questioning, children of this age group absorb everything available in their environment.
The skilful teacher will recognise which stage a child is at in their development, meet it and feed it. Nature allows a certain time to learn, and there is a force and an urge for a young child to learn certain skills during this time. This is followed by another stage of learning, which will be so much more successful if the needs of the first stage were met, and so on.
“We have seen such a big change in his confidence, maturity and mannerisms.”
“His imagination, independence and intuitiveness has soared with you.”